Saturday, December 13, 2008

My Uni Results for Sem1...

Results were supposedly meant to be out on the 15th, but guess UWA is pretty efficient this time:P The call from Wendy at almost 12pm, saying: "Hello Celia ar... Where are you now??? I dunno, but I think the results are out already leh... You go check see..." just fully woke me up from my sleep:P Cause my brother was going out, so he checked his results first... As usual, all the Ds and HDs... This was the moment that freaked me out heaps... Wasn't the results meant to come out later? I totally wasn't prepared to look at it yet, it's so gonna spoil my weekend... But knowing that it's already out, I can't help but check it too, since I know I'm gonna be thinking about it over the whole weekend anyways... And the worst thing was, my brother was standing behind me, obviously waiting for me to check my results before he goes out, so that moment was really intense when I clicked on the Unit Results...

ACCT1101 Financial Accounting 55 P
MATH1020 Calculus, Statistics and Probability 67 CR
MGMT1135 Organisational Behaviour 52 P
MGMT1136 Management and Organisations 54 P

I must say, although they're weren't exactly well done like my brother's-.-, but considering when I haven't really touched the textboks until exams period, and managed to pass all of them, I must be really really lucky:P FA was the first exam I had, but after cramming the whole time, I still went into the exam forgetting every single thing... I looked at all the MCQs, and I couldn't even attempt them... So skipping straight to the problems was all I could do... I did a few of them, but also skipped a few of them, then realised it was already almost 12pm, so had to rush back to complete all the MCQs in 10 minutes-.- Just when I thought I had done all that I could, Hun Hao told me the last question of the problem solving was the easiest, and he had expected me to have done it... Obviously, I thought I did, but realised I actually didn't... It was the first exam, and I was already depressed by the overlook of that last question-.- Then came MGMT... I guess I did lose confidence in both MGMT units, because theories and memorising are definitely not my thing, but right before the exams, I did isolate myself in order to memorise as much stuff as possible, since studying in Reid Cafe didn't really seem to help me much... I admit I get distracted way too easily, especially when it comes to things that I don't really like studying for... It's probably why I ended up putting much time into studying for Maths, and I guess Maths was the unit I'm most happy with=) Not just because I got a CR for it, but also because at least the amount of time and effort I had put in had paid off... And since right before the exams, my results were all sitting either on the passing line, or below it, to get 67 for Maths, I would have to get 80+ in the exams, which I'm also proud of it=) Guess if I didn't screw up my in-class tests, especially the 2nd Calculus Test where I got freaking 6/30, I might have had a chance to get D for Maths... Oh well, MATH1010 is known to be so much harder, with 1 in 3 people passing-.-, so getting CR, or even P for it hopefully next sem would be pretty amazing=) Fingers crossed:P I would also say I'm not surprised that OB was the lowest score, I never thought I could do well, since it was the time when I had 3 exams in 2 days, and the worst thing was getting sick on the day I had 2 exams straight... Getting into the exam hall forgetting my student card was my first panick, then after ringing the sleepy Jorine but realised I had brought my bag along, so the card should be in there was a relief... Getting a cold for no apparent reason, together with my continuous request for more tissues became really troublesome, and also realising that I've spent too much time studying the Probability & Statistics side of the Maths, neglecting the Calculus part had caused me to lose 15 marks, just cause I couldn't remember the formula to use!!! It was so damn frustrating!!! Then OB was just worse since it was at the air-conditioned Winthrop Hall, feeling terribly cold and the serious headache just made me wanna sleep instead of writing anything... I thought of leaving early, since I can't remember anything anyways, but I know I would be regretting it after, so decided to stay afterall to see what random crap I can make up... Throughout the exam, I did ask for medicine or even painkillers, but all the lady examiner said was "Sorry, we're not allowed to give you any type of medicine, and there's nothing we can do", which is a contradiction to what was said right before the exams "If throughout the exam, anyone who feels unwell should report to the examiners"-.- So for the remaining hours of the exam, I just wrote whatever theory that comes to my mind, and FINALLY, exams are OVER!!!

Nevertheless, as usual, always have to thank many many people with their help and encouragement for me to pass this sem's units=) The major aid I've gotten would most probably come from Hun Hao & Shan Min for FA, Jorine & Tiffany & Felicia for MO, Mei Yi & Steve & Federick & Jia Chen for Maths, Wendy & Soya for OB=) And many thanks to others who kept me company=) Hopefully better results next sem=)

1 voices:

Unknown said...

you're always welcome =)
all the best for the upcoming semesters
