Thursday, December 4, 2008

A day of rain...

Ever since I got back from Perth, today's the first day it poured so heavily... As usual, got pulled down to work at my aunt's today-.- In fact, it was more of a trick used by my mum... As I told my mum I was going out with someone, so I escaped work... But who knows, she rang back at 10.45am and asked if I could go out after 3pm, and the sleepy me said yes i could knowing that I was gonna meet the person at 4pm anyways... SIGH, the minute I said that, my mum went: "Then you can come down to work first"-.-

So there I went with my brother, but after helping for that 1.5 hours busy lunch hour, we finally got some food=) Nice nice food=) Oh, and I had to take pictures again, not surprisingly...

Beef Stew Noodle (niu nan mian)

Ipoh Hor Fun (yi bao he fen)

Mee Goreng (ma lai mian)

Sweet and Sour Pork Rice (gu lao rou fan)

Hong Kong Chye Sim (you cai xin)

Dumpling Soup (shui jiao tang)

Spareribs Rice (pai gu wang fan)

Then left around 3 plus and got home to change, before reaching Causeway Point around 5pm... Late, so so late:P Sorry Zhi Xiang, had to make you wait for so long, although you said you didn't mind waiting:P Then went to accompany Zhi Xiang to eat at this place, can't remember the name of the Japanese cuisine place:P Then we went to watch this really gruesome movie called Quarantine... At first we were gonna watch Four Christmases, then the plan changed to watching City of Ember, but cause the timing wasn't right, so only had a few choices left... Since my brother said Quarantine is nice, and I guess I wasn't so afraid of horror movies anyways, so just decided to go with watching it... Who knows the movie was more on gore and disturbing scenes, with all the scary bits and people biting people and blood everywhere... Gruesome it is indeed... Oh well, hope I seriously don't get nightmares... LOL:P But the good thing is, I got to eat popcorn... No, it's not the salty one, but the sweet one=) Remember that time when we (Chen Yi, Jorine, Tiffany and myself) had a movie marathon before the exams period since we had free tickets, SIGH, never knew that Perth has only salty popcorn-.- And I also cannot forget the fact that Jorine wanted hotdogs, and they didn't have any:P HAHA=) That was funny:P

I think I practically ate three quarters of the tub myself:P

AH!!! And thanks Zhi Xiang for the pressie=) The diary is awesome, love it=) Will do an entry on it later:P Although I really wonder what's the reason behind you getting me that diary... LOL:P And it's great meeting you for the first time---my online friend that I accidentally added you on Friendster (thinking that you were actually my primary school friend:P)...

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