Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Laptop DIED on me again:'(

Screen---THAT'S IT!!!

Yea, that's practically how it was... I was using my laptop as per normal, and suddenly it hung, seconds later, the BLUE screen appeared out of nowhere, and had this full screen of words on it... So of course I quickly switched off the laptop, but when I tried to restart it, it had this Windows picture, and below it was 'loading', but it just 'loads' halfway, and that screen will stay there forever...-.- Some other times, it will go to this black screen, and half the page will be filled with words, with the last sentence saying 'operating system not found', yea, that's how it is... Sad:(

Thinking back to 6 months ago, this exact same problem occurred too... Only a month after this laptop was bought, it hung on me, so in the end had to send to Sydney for repair... When it came back, the receipt just said that there was something wrong with the hard disk inside the laptop, and that they had changed it, so it should be fine... But of course it isn't fine!!! Stupid damn problem occurred again-.- SIGH... I've got so much stuff inside the laptop, pictures; music; movies; dramas; and many many other documents and files!!! Ah crap-.-

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